PIANO PARENT CORNER: How to Prepare for an Online Lesson

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Everyday the internet impresses me more and more. Lately MANY teachers of all subjects (private music teachers, martial arts teachers, gardening teachers…) have transitioned to teaching exclusively online lessons in only a matter of a few days! When you go to a music teacher’s studio, everything is set up for you already and the only items you need to worry about are a few materials and yourself. But now that private music lessons can happen IN your home through a screen, there is a little more to consider. Below are 5 things you need to set up to have a successful online lesson in your home.

1. Books/Sheet Music

To avoid wasting time looking for music during the lessons, make sure all book are at the piano before the lesson begins. Another time saver is to have your child number the measures of each piece (or at least the first measure of each line). This will make it easier for the teacher to draw attention to a specific measure without the ability to point through the screen. Finally, ask your teacher if they need scans/photos of any pages to be able to follow along. Send these along before the lesson begins.

2. Pencil

Students will need to write comments in their own music. Circles, lines, arrows, and more are used to serve as reminders throughout the music. Since the teacher isn’t able to write comments in for the student, the student will be responsible for taking notes as needed.

3. Camera Angle

Set up the camera on either end of the keyboard to show the whole length of the keyboard and both hands in position. If you don’t have a designated stand for your device, you can place it on a chair, stool, or end table. To get angle higher so both hands are in the shot, use stacks of books, boxes, or toilet paper packages to raise the height.

4. Lighting

Window light is the best option. But when that can’t happen, place lamps so the students face/body and hands on their instrument are well lit.

5. Charger

The devices we use for online lessons don’t normally stay on long with the video functioning for 45 or 60 minutes (average length of a lesson). Make sure to have a charger near by and an extension chord if necessary.

I hope this helps you feel better prepared for your online music lessons! If you have any questions, be sure to ask your teacher or comment below.

And to my fellow piano teachers, I created this easy to follow infographic that lays all of this out. Please feel free to download this and share with your families if it would be helpful! You can click here for the high quality file and right click to save.

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